Tuesday 21 April 2015

Room 12 Anzac Poetry

ANZAC Acrostic Poems from Room 12

As the battle begins the drums beat
Noises of the beating drums
Zero more soldiers left at war
As the dead will be remembered
Coming to battle marching on feet with rifles high
Corban Wilson

Across the sea you will see the brave soldiers
No one will forget them as they are with us all the time
Zzzzzz as they sleep their spirits creep in to our hearts
Across the sea they may go even if they aren’t with you anymore
Coming to battle with their cheerful faces up high and ready to battle
Sian Wheeler

As the sun rises
Not a bird sings
Zealous in the face of battle
A fleet left in the morning with cheerful rings
Came back in darkness asleep
William Vagg

Agony. Waiting for a chance, a target
Now they can never retreat from the pain
Zeal filled the air to silence and despair
Aching hearts will never cease
Craving the loss of the loved
Aimee Jackson

Across the sea soldiers will be
No soldier may be left behind
Zzzz they sleep no longer but they lie on Englands foam
As the sun sets their spirits will creep
Crying mothers, siblings, fathers, wives and husbands

Taylor Riwai-Couch

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