Tuesday 25 August 2015

Room 6

This morning I had a great time in with the children of Room 6. We started with prayers in which the children prayed in with colour and sang along with 'The Rainbow song'. We then moved in to maths and they taught me how to play a great new game! Thanks for  a great morning Room 6.

Monday 24 August 2015

International Languages Week 2015

Last week the children enjoyed celebrating 'International Languages Week' here at school. To end the week we held a 'Dress up in your National Costume' day. This was a great success and allowed us to celebrate the many cultures that make up our community. Below are a photos from the day:

Thursday 13 August 2015

mmmmmmmmmm pizza!

This week the Kildare Syndicate have been creating and cooking home made pizzas. Starting from scratch the children had to make their own dough as well as their own sauces for the bases.

After tasting one, well a few, it must be said Room 12 did a great job today! Tino pai.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

What happened to room 2?

If you want to know about what happened to the children in Room 2, you will need to check out the class blog later this week!

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Masterchef - Room 1's finished products!

Homemade burgers and corn fritters

The Masterchef cooking journey begins!

Today saw the start of the cooking element in the Kildare Syndicate's 'Masterchef' unit. Room 1 were having a great time creating home made burgers and corn fritters. Room's 12 and 11 will be cooking this week on Thursday and Friday.