Tuesday 16 December 2014

Year 6 swimming cup

It was a nail biter! But there had to be only one winner and by a fingertip the 2014 Year swimming cup champion is Emily Murray!

Monday 15 December 2014

Special Character in action!

A huge thank you to everyone who has helped to clear up the mess left by our visitors on the weekend. All of the offers of help show the true special character of the people in our wonderful community. Thank you everyone.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Year 6 leavers party!

So where have those 6 years gone?

For our current Year 6 children their time here at St. Patrick's is coming to an end. They have all brought much to our school and we will miss them when they leave,

To celebrate as a group the children held an after school party where they let their hair down and enjoyed each others company. Oh yes, and also got rather wet! 

Room 6's assembly

Friday saw our final class assembly of the year led by Room 6. The last assembly has now turned into a tradition where Liz's class always act out the nativity story. As always the children put on a great performance. Well done everybody.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Last school mass of 2014

This morning we celebrated our final school mass of the 2014 school year. It was also our opportunity to farewell and say thank you to Fr. Julian as he moves on from St. Patrick's and takes the next step in his journey. 

Wednesday 10 December 2014

PMP celebration

This morning we celebrated the end of the 2014 PMP programme. Parent helpers from the programme came in to watch a show put on by the children and even joined in themselves at the end.

Thank you to all the helpers and Michelle and Nena for running the programme all year.

Monday 8 December 2014

The choir getting in to the festive spirit!

Film crew in action!

Today at school we have been lucky to have a film crew  working with us. The crew have been making a promotional video to be shared with other schools about how schools can work with Police Officers to build positive relationships. We look forward to seeing the end result.