Friday 28 November 2014

Bryan & Bobby

Today the children enjoyed a visit from Bryan & Bobby who spoke to everyone about about road safety. Thanks to Senior Constable Keely who organised the visit.

Thursday 27 November 2014

McKenna Syndicate Arts Exhibition

Another fantastic evening! The final art exhibition was another resounding success. Well done to all the McKenna Syndicate children for their singing, dancing and of course the awesome art work. 

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Room 3 reading with Chanel College

Today room 3 enjoyed a visit from Chanel College students. The students were sharing with the children books they had made as part of their Te Reo Maori lessons. 

Thursday 20 November 2014

Kildare Art Exhibition

Tonight was again another fantastic performance from our students. Well done to all the students and teachers from the senior syndicate. If you check out Room 1's blog in a few days time you will be able to relive the video everybody enjoyed watching.

The awesome Kapa Haka performance

Room 1

Room 11

Room 2

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Saved for now.....!

The much loved rope swing tree is safe.... for now. Due to the wind yesterday the felling of the tree did not happen. This will now take place at some point over the next few weeks, so children enjoy the tree and the rope swing whilst you can!

Friday 14 November 2014

Something special happening!

Thursday 11th September - 1.30 pm

Walking around the school at lunchtime today and seeing all of the practising occurring for 'St. Patrick's Got Talent' was pretty fantastic! You certainly know there is something special happening when everywhere you look you have friends of similar ages, friends of different ages and  teachers and students all working together. 

Auditions will be happening soon so keep the practise going and I am sure we will have an amazing show!

Thursday 13 November 2014

Thank you Brigidine parents!

A huge thank you to all the parents and families of our Brigidine syndicate children. It was fantastic to see so many of you supporting the children tonight at their art exhibition. As a result of the purchasing of the art work we raised just under $500!

I am sure that the children will love seeing their work framed at home. Don't forget if you have not paid yet please pay at the office by the end of next week.

We aim to get the framed art work ready to take home in the next two weeks.

Hockey on Wheels!

Children from the McKenna Syndicate have been trying out hockey on wheels. They are having a great time albeit with a few bumps and bruises! It is clearly not as easy as it seems!

Monday 10 November 2014

St. Patrick's Family Mass

Thank you to everyone who supported the family mass at Church yesterday. The children who sung did a fantastic job led by Mr & Mrs Connor, Mr Murray and Mr Mabey.  Well done also to the children who read, brought up the gifts and helped prepare the altar.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

McKenna's Wellington Trip - and they're off!

An early start at school this morning certainly didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the McKenna syndicate children. Laden with their home baking that they are going to deliver to one of the homeless shelters they set off ready for a great an exciting day.

Sunday 2 November 2014

PTA working bee

Thank you to all the parents and school staff who turned up to the working bee on Saturday morning. We managed to put a path of lime chip through the native bush area, as well as painting the back of the school hall and classroom areas. 

A great effort and we look forward to your continued support at the next working bee in December!

Summer sport begins!

It was great to see a school field full of parents and children on Saturday morning, as T-ball and Softball began. Good luck everyone for all your games over the coming weeks.