Thursday 25 September 2014

2014 Miniball Chanpions

A huge high-5 to our Year 3 & 4 mini-ball team (pictured below) who this week won the Masterton Schools Mini-ball competition. Coached by Michelle Beaver they even managed to go through the entire season unbeaten!
Great work the St. Patrick's Saints!

Brainy children from Room 12!

These four children have been working hard using 'Book Creator' on one of their class I-pads to create a book all about the brain. They did an excellent job and I learnt lots of new information. Tino pai everyone.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Reading Together Programme

Over the last few weeks Rachel Kerr has been running a programme called ‘Reading Together’ with a group of parents. This is an initiative by the Ministry of Education to help parents learn reading strategies that they can use when reading at home with their children. The programme has been hugely successful and we will be running more of these in the coming year.

Friday 12 September 2014

Book Fair 2014

As you can see from the photographs our annual book fair is again very popular with the children. So parents, pop in to school when you can, as it is a good opportunity to buy an early birthday or Christmas present as well as helping the school with fundraising.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Brigidine Syndicate Arts rotation

Every Wednesday in the Brigidine Syndicate the children are involved in an Arts rotation across the four classes. The children get the chance to take part in visual arts (drawing/ painting), dance, music and drama. They are having a great time and learning lots at the same time.

Book Character Day

What a fantastic day! Sunshine, laughter and heaps of fun dressing up as our favourite book characters. A huge thank you to the children, parents and the staff who made this event a wonderful success.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Room 8 Super heros!

To find out more and see some fantastic photographs of the children in Room 8 check out the Room 8 blog.

Dancing girls!

If you had visited the school office this morning you would have been greeted with a musical performance. Mrs Connor was working with Hannah and Emily as they practised their dance to be performed at next weeks 'Art Splash' musical celebration in Wellington. Great work girls!