Friday 13 June 2014

Our wonderful support staff!

We are very lucky to have a wonderful support staff team here at school. They often go the extra mile and help make our school the wonderful place that we enjoy being part of. So thank you Shirley, Nena, Mel, Maree, Michelle, Kim, Kath, John, John and Ann.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Wonderful work girls!

These four wonderful girls have spent the last few weeks making colourful bands to sell to their friends.This was all done in their own time and using their own money to buy the bands. They managed to raise just under $20 which will be added to the money we have raised as a school for the Solomon Islands.

Well done girls this really is 'Strength & Kindness'. 

Monday 9 June 2014

Cultural concert preparations

Today was a hugely busy day for the children and staff at school. Hours of practice and preparation took place at the town stadium to get ready for tomorrow night. As you can see, some of the preparations were more useful than others.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Masterton South Rotary visit Year 4 children

Our Year 4 students today each received a wonderful colour dictionary from the Masterton South Rotary Club. Thanks to Rob Milne who made the presentation. I know the dictionaries will be a great resource for the children to use in their learning.

Our Year 4's are pretty scary!

Catholic Year of Faith banner

Proudly on display in the school office area is the 'Catholic Year of Faith' banner, which was given to the Wairarapa Catholic Schools by Archbishop John Dew. It us our turn to host the banner for the rest of this term before we pass it on to one of the other schools.


Please help us. We seem to have misplaced our Minion! If you spot him anywhere please let Mr McCann know as soon as possible!